Saturday, January 1, 2011

¡Adios América, Hola España!

I was born in Minnesota, was raised in Wisconsin, go to school in Maryland, and starting in two days, I'll be an international student studying in Barcelona, Spain.

I've decided to start this blog as a way for those who aren't on Facebook (or even those who are) to see pictures I've taken, places I've gone, and what I'm up to.  I also started it so that I can have something to look back on and see everything that I will have experienced in my three and a half months there.  I think it will be almost like an online scrapbook for me to have.

I have everything almost set to leave Monday morning, only one thing remains: to pack.  I have always hated packing and unpacking.  I put it off until the last possible minute every time.  Thank goodness I've gotten used to packing everything when I come and go from school in Maryland, so I've gotten pretty good at cramming a ton of stuff into a small space, but I still hate it.  I'm the type of person that always thinks, "What if?" as I'm packing.  What if I need to dress up? What if I decide to go hiking in the mountains? What if I suddenly get an urge to read Dr. Suess? It's a constant fear of mine that I'll forget something that I'll need. Never mind the fact that Barcelona has a population of 1,670,810 people and probably more stores than they know what to do with. If I forget something, I'm sure it will be readily available to me.  But I still worry.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and keeping up with my adventures.  Please feel free to follow this blog, post comments, or email me at! I'm going to miss all of my friends and family here so much, I'll love hearing from you!


UPDATE: I know some people have mentioned writing me letters and such while I'm in Spain (which I'll LOVE!), so here's my address:

Calle Espronceda, 348, Ático, 2a
08027 Barcelona, Spain

1 comment:

  1. Autumn! Of course I will read your blog (and send you wonderful hand-knitted things in the mail! Once they're finished, of course...). Missing you a bunch already! Have tons of fun! Love you, love you, love you!
    ~ Veronica
